What is matting?


Matting is a condition in your dog’s fur that is caused by dense tangles and knots. It’s a painful condition that can lead to other health concerns such as infections or skin irritations and can also mask other health issues or parasites.

Mats cut off the air flow in your dog’s hair and can trap moisture, which can cause irritation and sores on your dog. Even mild matting can be painful, but in severe cases, matting can cut off circulation to your dog’s skin and cause hematomas.

Certain breeds have coats that are higher maintenance and more vulnerable to matting, including Poodles, Doodles, Cocker Spaniels, Bichon, and Shih Tzu, among others.


How do dogs get mats in the first place?

  1. Friction. Matting is typically found in areas of your dog with the most friction. This includes armpits, collar, legs, behind the ears, or areas of the body where they may be feeling itchy.

  2. Seasons. Matting can develop during the Spring, as they “blow their coat” and get their summer coat. If loose fur isn’t brushed and removed, dead skin mixes with fur and it becomes a breeding ground for mats.

  3. Allergies. Long-haired dogs with allergies can cause them to lick and itch, usually leading to some matting.

  4. Fleas. Dogs itching at fleas will result in matted fur.

  5. Water. Dog who lay in the wet grass, go for a swim, or get a bath are all at risk for matting. Water will only make pre-existing mats tighter, worsening the issue.


If the matting on your dog is mild, it can sometimes be brushed out with the use of detangling sprays and certain tools. This is time consuming and might be painful for your pup. So, only brush out mats if the matting is mild.

Imagine trying to brush out dreadlocks with a cheap comb. It sure wouldn’t be comfortable!

If you detect some matting on your dog, do not bathe them. Instead, bring your dog to the groomer before the mats get too bad. Early treatment of mats will help prevent skin conditions and may salvage the hair.


Our dematting process involves focusing on small sections of hair and working to release the mats, using dematting tools, and de-tangling products, followed by a good brush.

We only do this when matting is very mild and taken care of early. At Haute Dog, we will not brush out severly-matted dogs as it is painful and inhumane.

If the matting on your dog is anything more than mild, the safest and most humane way to remove the mats is to carefully shave the hair. The length of the remaining hair will depend on how tight the mats are; the tighter the mat, the more we need to trim.

The reason we say “carefully” is because there are often warts, moles, and skin folds trapped and hidden within the matted hair. Even the most experienced groomer can’t know what’s underneath a severe mat. So, depending on the severity of the matting, shaving does raise the chance of nicks, cuts or abrasions.

Post-shave, your dogs coat might end up with some shorter spots. We know that this isn’t a look that most owners would prefer, but it will let your dog’s skin breathe again and they’ll be far more comfortable.

We love your dogs just as much as you do, and this is why we do what we do. We are passionate dog lovers who have made a career out of spending time with dogs and doing what we love. We only want what’s best for your dog!


You might be asking, “how can I avoid all of this?” Thankfully, there are some things you can do, and a handful of things you should avoid.

What not to do

  1. Cut the mats out. Never cut the mats of your dog’s fur with scissors. It is easy to accidentally catch your dog’s skin really hurt them. Also, never ask a groomer to “just cut the mats out.” Trained groomers will only shave.

  2. Attempt to de-matt ears. Just like your ears, your dog’s ears are thin and sensitive. If your dog’s ears become matted, the mats can cause delicate blood vessels in the ear to rupture, causing hematomas in the ears. This can be painful for your dog and must be treated by your veterinarian.

  3. Have unrealistic expectations. We know the pain that mats cause, so we prioritize your dog’s comfort and safety above their looks. Shaving out mats with clippers is the safest way to remove mats, but this will leave bare patches in your dog’s fur. Never expect your dog’s hair cut to be perfect after treatment of matting.

What to do

  1. A strong, healthy diet. A healthy coat comes from a healthy diet. The key ingredient for the health of your dog’s hair are Omega-3’s. Most commercial diets are unbalanced with fatty acids, so ensure you supplement with animal-based oils like fish, krill or salmon oil. Plant-based oils are harder for your dog to absorb and can create an Omega 6 overload, leading to inflammation, allergies, or skin issues — everything we want to avoid!

  2. Regular bathing. Bathing your dog regularly will help keep their skin and coat in optimal condition, remove the dead skin and loose hair. Whether they need it weekly or monthly, make sure to use a gentle shampoo and moisturizing conditioner.

  3. Frequent brushing. Brushing is the single best way to prevent matting and exfoliate the skin. The best technique is to tackle small sections at a time and being sure to brush the entire body. To make your brush even more effective, use a detangling spray to help prevent static electricity, which makes matting worse.

There are a few different types of brushes to choose from, each with their own benefits:

  • Slicker brushes have fine wire bristles that bend and are great for long heavy-coated dogs. There are different sizes and designs based on your dog’s coat length. 

  • Soft bristle brushes are ideal for short hair dogs, but they do not help with matting.

  • Pin brushes have metal bristles in a rubber base which are great for separating and untangling silky coats. 

  • Combs are great to use after detangling.


We do all of this for the love of dogs!

If your dog needs to be shaved, the good news is that hair grows back. In the meantime, your dog will be much more comfortable with mats removed and their skin will have proper air flow to begin the healing process. 

Need a professional? Book with Haute Dog today >


Between Grooms - At Home Care