Between Grooms - At Home Care

Dog being groomed

A few tips on how to keep your pup looking and smelling good between grooming appointments.

  • For dogs with short coats, brush weekly to keep the coat healthy, shiny, and spread oils. Brushing prevents oils from building up which can cause dander, itchy skin, and dog smell.

  • Dogs with longer coats should be brushed as often as daily to maintain a heathy mat free coat. Matting can happen quickly and can be painful to brush out (or require a shave down is matting becomes severe). Regular brushing also reduces shedding.  

  • When brushing your pup’s coat, check for any new lumps or bumps. Early detection can prevent more advanced medical issues.

  • Keep eye corners free from gunk by using a soft damp cloth. This helps prevent infection, staining and eye irritation. If your dog has excessive staining, try filtered or distilled water. Our water in Minnesota has high iron content and may cause staining to get worse. 

  • Check both ears weekly for smells and debris.  Clean ears as needed. If you notice a "corn chip" smell, redness, or pain, this could indicate an ear infection and a call to your Vet would be recommended.

  • Once a week, check paws and nails for broken or overgrown nails or foot injuries. This also helps your dog feel confident about people holding and touching their paws and they will be less stressed during their grooming procedures.

  • If you notice your pup licking, chewing, or scooting their rear, it may be their glands. Give us a call and we can do their glands externally if needed (it only takes a couple minutes).

  • To keep your pup clean and smelling good; we offer dry shampoo, spray colognes, hypo-wipes, combs, and brushes to maintain that “just groomed” look.

We look forward to seeing you at your next appointment!


CBD Calming Chew Treats


What is matting?